Xur’s location is …
Xur, the enigmatic vendor, has set up shop in the Tower Bazaar this week. To find him, spawn in at the Tower, hang a right past Banshee-44, continue down the stairs, follow the corridor, and once you hit the Bazaar, turn right down the nearby alleyway. You’ll discover Xur in a new recurring location, ready with his latest wares if you have earned enough Strange Coins.
As for his inventory, he’s updating his stock every Friday at the daily reset.
He now sells exotic weapon catalysts, exotic armor pieces for all three Guardian classes, and a whole complement of legendary armor and weapons. Everything is now on a rotating weekly basis. Xur has expendable items like Crucible Engrams, Ascendant Shards, and more.

How do you rank up with Xur?
Like many vendors in Destiny 2, you can rank up with them and receive rewards as you progress with that particular vendor.
The in-game text explains it best: “Purchasing items from Xûr with Strange Coins grants reputation. Earn armor and weapons at each rank, and powerful upgrades at major ranks.”

Where do I get Strange Coins now?
The ways to earn Strange Coins has changed with The Final Shape’s release. You now earn Strange Coins by completing activities such as Vanguard strikes and playing in Destiny’s PvP Crucible matches (including Iron Banner).
As of mid-July 2024, your inventory had a cap of 99 Strange Coins, so if you’re a hardcore Destiny 2 player you need to use them or lose them, as the overflow currently does not go to the postmaster.